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Thursday, April 23, 2009

In the loop (cert 15)


I have always been a big fan of Armando Iannucci. I can't say I always understand what he is going on about, but the results are normally funny but with a vague sense of horror as to how close to reality the events he is having a go at really are.

In a format we are now very used to thanks to his BBC TV series 'The Thick of It' he hits the big screen running.

We do see the return of a couple of characters from the TV series, not least the vile Malcolm Tucker (Peter Capaldi) the Number 10 Enforcer.

Tom Hollander is Simon Foster MP a rather naive minister at the department for International affairs who in a radio interview manages to suggest that a war might or might not be in the offing.

It turns out that Number 10 and the White House are thinking of going to war in the middle east and just need to have the evidense that would convince the UN and various committees in to seeing their point of view.

'In the loop' is a rollercoaster of quick witted quips from Fosters aids and colleagues as they try to pick up the pieces of his ill thoughout comments to the press. It's not long before he is meeting with the Americans who are just as keen to use him in their plans with a great star turn from James Gandolfini as General Miller and

The language is to say the least extreme, but unlike I love you man and other films it feels appropriate. Especially since some of the political types that have popped up in my life over the years are really not to dissimilar!

This is a really enjoyable and yet terrifying glimpse in to the world of politics and for me is a refreshing reminder of the fun that was Yes Minister!

In the Loop - Official Website


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